Fight Gravity Fitness

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What is a well rounded fitness program?

Today we want to touch base on what a well rounded fitness program should look like in our opinion and how that is similar to the programming we do at FGF. Over the years we have seen a large number of personal training clients and have helped them create balanced lives by touching base on fitness, recovery, nutrition, and other areas we feel are an important part of a well rounded fitness program. Below we will touch base on the different points and give you an insight of how our personal training works at FGF.

First of all we should touch base on the obvious which is the fitness component and what most people are seeking when looking for a personal trainer. Each clients goals can vary from wanting to lose weight to get stronger or become more flexible the list goes on and on. In our initial consultation we go over past and current exercise history as well as hobbies to come up with a plan that aligns with your goals. There are basic components to fitness that everyone needs but we believe at FGF that each clients workout plan should reflect their hobbies to make them stronger and more enjoyable when participating. The main thing with our fitness component is consistency, no matter whether you are looking for muscle endurance or growth you have to stay consistent to see results. At FGF we encourage our clients to only workout 2-3 days a week when it comes to training which aids in recovery and promotes longevity of consistent activity. Recovery should be mentioned in any fitness program and we give you tools and things to do outside of the gym as well.

This leads us into our next point of a well rounded fitness program which we just mentioned, recovery. When participating in a strength training program we break down muscles spindles that need time to repair and heal themselves. This is why we encourage at least a day in between sessions to avoid over training and allow our body time to come back to the next workout even stronger. Our sessions at FGF are aimed to be total body hitting both upper and lower body parts as well as all three planes of motions so you don’t have to worry about coming each day to hit a different part of the body. On your off training days we encourage walks or light cardio combined with stretching or yoga to help keep people active. Every Saturday we have a community yoga class for our PT clients to assist them in their recovery process plus we have a YouTube channel with at-home classes and recovery videos as well. While time and some of the other recovery ideas we just mentioned are important the other thing to keep in mind is fueling your body with good nutrition.

Nutrition is probably the most important topic of any well rounded fitness program. It’s not only important to fuel your body optimally for recovery but performance and function as well. Nothing can derail a fitness program quicker than a diet high in processed food and alcohol. The main thing to think about though is finding balance and not depriving yourself. While its important to consistently cook your meals at home from fresh ingredients shopped around the perimeter of the grocery store, its also important to go out once in awhile and be guilt free about it. The key is only doing it occasionally because just like we talked bout in the fitness component, consistency is key. At FGF we meet the client where they feel comfortable so if that includes food logs and a more in-depth approach we are here for you but if you choose to do it on your own accord with small changes we are happy to support in that way as well. The main thing is in order to have a well rounded fitness program it needs to touch base on the fitness component, the recovery component, and the nutrition component!