Fight Gravity Fitness

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The Secret to Success

Today I wanted to write a freestyle blog on what I feel the secret to success is not necessarily just training but overall in life.  I am by no means an expert in this area and am just giving tips I have learned so far in my journey through personal experience and books I have read.  I think the main thing to understand is it will constantly be a moving target whether it comes to a business, relationships, workout goals, etc. the thing to understand is we will constantly need to adjust and reevaluate.  

When it comes to consistency specifically in the fitness space I think it is important to set attainable goals and goals that align with our life outside of the gym.  The thing to understand like mentioned above is the target will ever be constantly moving forward so we have to show up each week.  Our intensity will be dependent upon outside factors such as stress, sleep, nutrition, etc. but either way any movement is better than no movement so if you want to succeed, Show Up! 

The same goes for a business or excelling at our career, sure there will be weeks when we are firing on all cylinders and everything is going right but there will be those weeks when it all goes wrong as well.  Having a strong mindset and continuing to show up even when we aren’t seeing the results is how you break through barriers.  It’s how we get promoted or scale our business, these things simply don’t happen by just showing up when we feel like it. 

Another point to touch on is our mindset and attitude which is important for success overall.  Lately I have been reading a lot of books on the stoics and one of my favorite sayings is calm in the chaos.  We know by now the chaos is coming, that’s just life in a nutshell but if we can remain calm and calculated it will rub off onto everyone around us and get better results.  

The secret in my opinion if you haven’t picked up on it by now is consistency, you have to be consistent at whatever you’re looking to be successful in which means oftentimes showing up even when we don’t feel like it.  If you consistently read good books and take care of your mindset the consistency just comes natural, let’s push for greatness! 

Need help with succeeding in fitness and your health? Come see our private personal training studio in Denver and check out our fitness training services.