Fight Gravity Fitness

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Reevaluate to Elevate

In today’s blog post I want to touch base on the importance of constant reevaluation in order to elevate your health and fitness.  The main thing to think about when it comes to health and fitness is that everyday, week, month, etc. will be different and it is up to us to constantly evaluate our approach with what works and doesn’t.  Life is ever changing and our needs as individuals will change as we get older which is important to understand because limitations and different goals will arise with time. 

The first area to touch base on is how to structure our workouts and the frequency in which we approach them.  When I was in my 20’s I could workout twice a day, hike, etc.  and it would hardly affect me but as I have grown older the focus has shifted to balance.  Intensity will change daily based on outside factors such as sleep, stress, and nutrition but the main thing is to show up consistently to get your movement in.  We can’t be afraid to reevaluate our workout on a daily basis to fit our current needs.  Some days we will be able to tackle it with ease and other days light movement may just be the recipe, be gentle with yourself and don’t be afraid to adjust.

The next area we can’t be afraid to constantly adjust is our nutrition.  Again when I was younger I could eat and drink everything in sight and it would hardly affect me but over time I have learned to adjust.  Certain foods that didn't bother me can now make life a living hell, not to mention our metabolism slows down as we age so weight gain can be harder to manage.  Don’t be afraid to take inventory, try new foods, and adjust your nutrition based on what works best for you to be your optimal self! 

In conclusion, the main thing to think about is to keep a mental note or even better keep a journal of your daily habits so you can reference them.  What may be working today may not work down the road so don’t be afraid to reevaluate your approach and change it up a bit.  This will help elevate your fitness and nutrition and take you to a whole other level, if you’re looking for some guidance click below to come in for a Free Consultation!