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Cooking is the Cure

In today’s blog I want to touch base on the importance of nutrition and the choices we make.  I’ve titled the blog cooking is the cure based on my own personal experiences with food over the years because I have struggled with my weight a few times throughout my life.   It’s no secret when we examine food that it went from probably a scarce item to what is now a massed produced item.  Several hundred years ago people were hunter/gatherers or produced what that could agriculturally on their homestead.  There are positives and negatives to both scenarios but let's specifically examine the uphill battles we face today.

First of all when we talk about the amount of food available today the options are endless but the problem is many of the options are highly processed and not what you would call natural.  They have many added ingredients for a variety of reasons such as to enhance the taste, increase shelf life, etc.   Many of your large food corporations actually have labs set up where they examine people's responses to the food in order to push you to consume more.  It boils down to profit over compassion for these people which is sad because it truly is harming our own people in the long run.  Obesity numbers are at an all time high and continuing to climb but this can be turned around with a little magic called cooking.

Next beings we have so many bad options nowadays let’s talk specifically about what we should be looking to shop for.  One of the positives about many people growing their own food back in the day is that you control the way in which it is grown and processed to consumption.  As time has gone on though many people now live in an urban setting where this is not feasible and must purchase their food at a grocery store be it local or large chain.  Trust me we have it much easier today when it comes to gathering our food but you do have to be diligent when you shop and practice some self control.  Obviously organic products are deemed best for our health but can be expensive too so don’t stress too much on that aspect.  Some simple tips are to shop the perimeter of the store, choose fresh ingredients that aren’t boxed or frozen, and don’t be afraid to look at the food labels to examine ingredients and calories. 

For most people the scary part comes next which is in the kitchen and it’s funny because come to think of it, it's probably similar to how someone would view the gym.  The possibilities are endless but that can be too vast of a spectrum if you do not spend much time in the space.  By now we’ve all probably heard of the phrase k.i.s.s which means keep it simple stupid, kinda harsh but you get the point.  The same approach is how you should start with cooking in the kitchen, keep it simple with some easy recipes and then slowly expand from there but attack it with positivity and grace for yourself because every now and then we mess up or overcook something.  It’s not the end of the world and think of it as a learning experience but like the gym the more we do it then the more we become comfortable with it over time.  Learning to cook has really changed my life and made me so much more healthier just like the gym but they must go hand in hand! Thanks for checking out the blog and have an awesome day!